
12 Pictures Of People Failing Miserably At Their One Job


Published 2 years ago

More often than not, whatever mistake you make will probably be recorded in some way or another. And usually, it's no big deal. Like anything with life, you only learn by making silly mistakes, so it isn't in anyone's place to make judgments for the screw-ups you make, Whether it's handing in the wrong assignment for your class or getting someone's order wrong at your job. Growth is all about picking yourself back up, dusting yourself off, and getting back on the grind. That's what life is all about.

Screwing up is the worst, but sometimes people make screw-ups that are so painfully obvious that you can't even hide them. Those screw-ups can leave a big mark on the internet. Reddit 's /r/onejob displays the worst mistakes people have made online, and there are plenty. Here are some of our favorite picks.

Water Million

(Source: Reddit)

Restaurant Title Here

(Source: Reddit)

Definitely A Snake

(Source: Reddit)

Very Good Placement

(Source: Reddit)

I'm sure you can definitely get soap from this dispenser to wash your hands!

This God Of War Ad

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Ah Yes, Kim Possible

(Source: Reddit)

I don't think this list would have been complete without any bootleg cartoon posters.

Painted The Road Boss!

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Definitely Not Naruto

(Source: Reddit)

Tsaty Breakfast!

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: funny, fails, one job, screw up, collection, fail, you had one job, collections,
