
12 People Who Don't Realize Their Messages Are Incredibly Creepy


Published 5 years ago

Technology is totally great until you find yourself with a push notification that you have a new private message, and it's from a complete stranger who does not understand boundaries. The 15 messages here were collected from the subreddit /r/CreepyPMs, where users can submit any unsolicited message they've received from all different types of apps. Enjoy the cringe!

The ending is delightful.

(Source: Reddit)

This person needs to go to the hospital.

(Source: Reddit)

Take advantage of any opportunity I guess?

(Source: Reddit)

I also have questions…

(Source: Reddit)

Nope, she's definitely gonna keep the CDs.

(Source: Reddit)

When you prove you aren't a normal person.

(Source: Reddit)

Definitely not a mouse, but are other animals up for discussion?

(Source: Reddit)

When appropriate, always try to bring up the animated film Madagascar.

(Source: Reddit)

Who doesn't enjoy a lengthy reminder that Jesus loves them?

(Source: Reddit)

Come to my lab, so you can be murdered!

(Source: Reddit)

Shoutout to this person trying to shoot their shot via LinkedIn.

(Source: Reddit)

Brb borrowing this for a new band name.

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/creepypms, private messages, reddit, creepy, madagascar, airpods, serial killer, eyes, rick and morty, labs, engineering, normal people, linkedin, collections,
