
12 Painful Tinder Fails From This Difficult Era Of Dating


Published 4 years ago

Love may be incredibly hard to find during our current era, but cringy Tinder conversations are not. In honor of boredom taking over our lives, we are proud to present some wonderful examples of people really attempting to flirt and failing completely. Below are 12 of our favorites pulled from the subreddit /r/Tinder. We hope you have better luck than these poor souls.

He's Not Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Who Knew Working Was A Turn-Off?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Chemistry Is Flowing Throughout This Conversation

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Who Isn't Using Tinder For Homework Help?

(Source: Reddit)

Get It Together Steve

(Source: Reddit)

The Lord Works In Mysterious Ways

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Pine

(Source: Reddit)

Michael Seems Great

(Source: Reddit)

When You Swipe To Just Insult

(Source: Reddit)

At Least She Said "Thanks"

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: tinder, pandemic, coronavirus, quarantine, dating, relationships, homer simpson, scotland, working full time, literature, homework help, essential workers, tim tebow, boasting, the lord, rhymes, finance, english, dogs, collections,
