Karens have to be some of the most annoying human beings on the planet. Every day, we dread running into one of them when we're out shopping or during our daily commute, and we have to be careful what we post on social media because of them, too. If you work retail or food service, that means you're unfortunate enough to endure these kinds of attacks daily. It can be truly exhausting, mentally and emotionally, to come across a Karen in their natural habitat. But fortunately, some good can come of these encounters, because they can be really funny.

You wouldn't believe some of the things they try to get away with. But honestly, they get away with it most of the time. This is not only because of that toxic "customer is always right" mentality of employers, but because they've evolved to use social media and the online community to complain about others. And we do the same thing to complain about them. Here are some of the best Karens preserved online for you to "enjoy."

Clearly Not a Karen

“Marijuana Stations”

…You mean legal marijuana dispensaries?

Does This Count?

They Unleashed an Army of Truckers on Canada

Yes, it was about vaccines. Of course it was.

So All That Unused Milk Just Spoils And Goes to Waste

Seems kind of counterproductive for the movement.

Karen (Literally) Demands a Fee

From 2020, in the Height of the Pandemic

An old one, but always worth looking back on, because this Karen decided to drastically inconvenience herself because she couldn't handle the slight inconvenience of wearing a mask.

Karen Unleashes Her Dogs on the Postal Workers and Tells Them to Carry Treats

Any Excuse Will Work for a Racist Karen

Looks Like an Actual Crime

Murder attempt, maybe?

Karen (Again, Literally) Wants All Modern Technology Removed from Her Classroom

I'm honestly surprised by the number of people actually named Karen who live up to that name.


That sign was specifically there for people like this, so they'd be kind to her during training.

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