
12 Insanely Weird AI-Generated Images By DALL-E Mini


Published 2 years ago

Whenever a new AI anyone can interact with becomes available online, people are always quick to jump onto the trend. This is the case yet again with the new DALL-E Mini, which allows users to input any concept of their choice and watch the AI create an image of it. Of course, the AI is far from perfect, but it's pretty smart. It does leave some rather disturbing faces on all of the people, but that just makes it funnier.

After its release in April, DALL-E Mini went viral in June, when people realized just how simple it is to create a distorted and disturbed image of any bad idea they can come up with. And we're honestly kind of impressed by the results, which seem to prove this AI is intelligent enough to overthrow all of our civilization (despite being unable to recognize faces), and it's kind of a shame we're forcing it to make memes for us. Here are some of the funniest creations from the new AI.


Why’s He Smiling?

He's proud of himself. The look on his face says it all.

Just a Little Terrifying

I Don’t See Him

President Jar Jar, Sith Lord

Jar Jar Binks would make a terrible president, especially since he's definitely a member of the Sith.

It’s Morbin’ Time


The Backrooms are full of hidden dangers. These are definitely the worst of them.

Cue Laugh Track

I remember this episode of Seinfeld. It's one of my favorites.

Still Looks Better than Troll 2

He Seems to Like It

What a Concept

Seriously, who thinks of some of these things? Imagine thinking to yourself that we need a distorted Nintendo version of Columbo.

Her Majesty

Tags: dall e, dall-e, dall-e mini, ai, funny, memes, the backrooms, jar jar binks, darth jar jar, queen elizabeth, skeletor, nintendo, art, collections, morbius, its morbin time,
