By now, Karens have gone far too far. It's 2022, and it's amazing we're still dealing with people like this all the time. From malevolently spreading misinformation to treating customer service workers terribly, the Karens of the modern day are always up to something, and it feels like they grow more and more powerful each day. It's enough to make you lose faith in basic human decency, because these people certainly lack it, even though the rest of us are always doing our best to get by in society with as little problems as possible. Unlike us, Karens love to start problems.

Karens are known for their truly unruly behavior, both online and in-person. Sometimes, they're caught on video harassing people who clearly don't deserve it. Other times, they're called out after writing a bad review of a business just because they were asked to wear a mask. If you work retail and have to actively interact with these sorts of people, you have the patience of a saint, because we could never. Here are some of the worst Karens out there.


You mean anime?

Karen in Politics

I’m Not Reading All of This

Karen Leaves a Bad Review over Masks

That’s a Lot of Effort over Something So Stupid

Imagine being so stubborn about not wearing a mask that people have to build a cage around you to keep themselves safe.

An Official Rank

Illiterate Karen Threatens to Burn Down Homeless People’s Tents

Here's one of the worst Karens I've seen in a long time.

Karen Parked Outside the Lines and then Left This Note on a Neighboring Car

How Would She Even Know They’re Atheists?

Obviously, this is horrible behavior, but I'm more confused by the details here. Does she ask the waiters if they're atheists? Does she demand her bill be comped because she's being served by atheists? What's going on here?

Karen Hates the Lifeguards for Doing Their Jobs

This Guy’s Just Trying To Not Get in Trouble for Serving Minors

Of course he's not going to serve someone who willingly admits they're under 21. And if you're giving a drink to a minor in a bar, obviously you should be kicked out.

Looking for a Nanny

Every back-to-school season, delusional childcare requests like this one pop up all over social media, but this is certainly one of the worst.

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