Things are getting super weird in our modern world. In particular, an unexpected crisis is ravaging society: an egg shortage. As comical as this may sound, this isn't just about having to pay six dollars a dozen for a carton of eggs, but it's also about how every food with eggs in it is probably going to increase in price too, another economic problem we really don't feel like dealing with nowadays.

Apparently, last year's outbreak of bird flu led to some truly disastrous results on the chicken population. And while this may stress out those who are interested in the economy and basically anyone who buys food, it's clear that our first response to things like this isn't to address the problem, but to mock the problem instead. Of course, we're talking about memes. Here are just a few of these responses to the egg shortage news.


I guess they're not really profiting if they're all dying of bird flu, but you get the point.

The Uprising Is Here

It's about time.

Most of Us Don’t Even Have a Dozen

Egg, Singular

And it costs just as much as a dozen would cost months ago.

So Romantic

Egg Dealing

Simple Fix

It’s Like Toilet Paper in 2020

Taking on the Reigning Champion

Now we have yet another ridiculously overpriced item that we all want to buy but really don't bother with after seeing the prices.


Problem Solved

They Want Higher Wages

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