Memes are often seen as the most effective way to relate to the younger generation. But if you're not one of the kids yourself, you're probably doing it wrong. These companies, teachers, churches and more certainly did. From dead memes to memes that are now dead since they've been used in this manner, these things just weren't funny at all, and honestly they're super cringeworthy. Now, you can take a look at some of the worst meme-themed humor you've ever seen, because some company out there really wanted you to see it and figured you'd buy their product because of it (honestly this will probably steer you far away from anything they're advertising, though).

Were the following memes effective? Decide for yourself as you peruse some of the more memorable new examples from Reddit's /r/FellowKids, where every adult reminds us of that picture of Steve Buscemi holding a skateboard and wearing his hat backwards in the hopes of relating to the kids around him."

If "Sus" Wasn't Dead Already…

(Source: Reddit)

Despite being known for his meme literacy, Elon Musk could easily kill any meme with a single bad tweet. Luckily, this one was already dead.


(Source: Reddit)

On a Handout in Math Class

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I'm pretty sure this is the way you mentally process the world after spending way to much time on /r/Chonkers.

These Free Bookmarks from the Library

(Source: Reddit)

Self-Aware, but Still Bad

(Source: Reddit)

This advertiser proved that they knew this was a bad idea, but then did it anyway, for some reason.

Found at a Church

(Source: Reddit)

Tinder LOL

(Source: Reddit)

Here's a reason to stay single.

I Don't Know What This Is Advertising, but I Don't Want to Know

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, Amazon

(Source: Reddit)

Sure, Invincible memes are usually pretty great, but this one is not.

Little Caesar's Gets It

(Source: Reddit)

Jiggle Jiggle

(Source: Reddit)

"My Money Don't Jiggle Jiggle, It Folds" is a viral remix song that's gained some ironic popularity lately after it was made from an interview with filmmaker Louis Theroux.

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