
12 Confused People Falling For Obvious Bait

Two people falling for obvious bait.


Published 3 years ago

The Twitter account @hiccorino posts some awkward moments where people misunderstood internet humor. Lots of things you see online are the result of internet trolls who make content with the intention of frustrating you. It exists solely to make you want to react. We'll call this bait.

Now, a seasoned internet user knows to avoid bait simply because we want to avoid confrontation. But sometimes it's just such obvious bait that we can't help but laugh and cringe a little at the people who fall for it. They really thought they were doing or saying something important. Instead, they just look pretty dumb. And better yet, they're usually sharing this with their Twitter followers or commenting directly on the bait, where they'll be roasted for it forever. It's clear that these original posts are satire, so take a look at some of the most awkward times someone thought they actually were genuine.

Sexism at Its Finest

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

Yeah, It Is

(Source: Twitter)

Sharing This Headline

(Source: Twitter)

Top Fifty

(Source: Twitter)

"Images That Make You Feel Pain" Back At It Again

(Source: Twitter)

And Again

(Source: Twitter)

The Author's Name Is Literally a Bleach Character

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

Women Posting Their L's

(Source: Twitter)

Rewriting History

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

Tags: ate the onion, woosh, fail, wooosh, twitter, cringe, cringeworthy, bait, trolling, troll, funny, collections,
