
12 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' Memes For Every Generation

2 Buffy memes from the collection.


Published September 20, 2021

It's past Halloween, and Spirit Halloween has begun its grand exodus, fading into the liminal spaces between existence and non-existence of malls and clothing stores everywhere, waiting until it's officially time to shop spooky. That means it's the perfect time to celebrate Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the ultimate spooky mall show. The '90s classic hasn't maintained its popularity the same way as other must-see TV, but it's retained loyal fans who honor the show's clever dialogue and elaborate storyline in meme form. Unto every generation, these memes are made:

Every Generation

(Source: Facebook)

Some Things Don't Change

(Source: Facebook)

Aged Like Wine

(Source: Facebook)

Forbidden Knowledge

(Source: Facebook)

Never Forgotten

(Source: Facebook)

A Lonely Existence

(Source: Facebook)

Best Laid Plans

(Source: Facebook)

Broken Streak

(Source: Facebook)

Unholy Possession

(Source: Facebook)

No Consequences

(Source: Facebook)

Grand Design

(Source: Facebook)


(Source: Facebook)

Tags: buffy, btvs, buffyverse, faith, willow, spike, melissa joan hart, sarah michelle gellar, joss whedon, vampires, slayer, scooby gang, 90s, tv, memes, collections,
