12 Attempts That Went Horribly Wrong
While we often try our very hardest to succeed, it's only natural that we'll fail a few times. But sometimes, people fail a little more dramatically than others, and it can be pretty funny to watch from the sidelines, because at least we're not the ones dealing with this in real life. And thanks to Reddit's /r/therewasanattempt, we can watch people fail miserably at simple things all over the world.
Sometimes, when an attempt is made, that's about the only thing going for it. At least these people put effort into something, even if that something is so wrong and distorted that it's not what they had in mind. So we've captured our absolute favorite recent failures from /r/therewasanattempt, and now we're sharing them with the rest of you so you can feel a little bit better about all your failed (or successful) attempts in life, because there's no way they'll ever be quite this bad.
To Rob a Bank with a Knife
(Source: Reddit)
Seems like it's worked really well based on this image alone.
Constructing a Wooly Rhinoceros from a Partial Skeleton
(Source: Reddit)
If this is what the skeleton really looked like, this would be a pretty hilarious animal.