
11 Truly Cringeworthy Images That Might Hurt Your Eyes If You Stare Too Long

Two cringeworthy images in the following collection.


Published 2 years ago

Cringeworthy content is something we both love and hate at the same time. Honestly, it’s pretty painful to look at, but that makes it even better. It’s difficult to describe why people love to cringe, but it’s not entirely a pleasant experience despite how often we seek it out. Maybe we just take it in because it makes us feel a little bit better about every bad decision or awkward social media post we’ve ever made because at least we’ll never be anywhere near as cringeworthy as these people, right?

We’ve gathered some of the most cringe-inducing content from all over the web, all sourced from recent weeks. And while some are more embarrassing than physically painful to look at, there are certainly some eyesores in here, too, because some people just can’t help themselves when it comes to not putting terrible things online. These are our favorite things people really should have thought about more before they posted online for everyone to see.

The Intellectual

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

First of all, definitely a staged photo. Second, referring to your son as "The Defender" is just…weird?


(Source: Reddit)

Drake Doing Creepy Stuff

(Source: Reddit)

He's A "Nice Guy"

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone loves a nice guy.

His Mind Is A Maze

(Source: Reddit)

So Many Red Flags

(Source: Reddit)

Trucker Mike

(Source: Reddit)

Dom Alpha Male

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe She Shouldn't Have Asked

(Source: Reddit)

Zoomerification of Nicki Minaj

(Source: Reddit)

This post was probably meant to be genuine, even though it's indecipherable. And it's so confusing it barely even reads as Zoomerification.

Dark and Deep

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: cringe, cringeworthy, cringe pics, /r/cringepics, funny, people, fail, facebook, twitter, awkward, collections, humor, memes, entertainment,
