11 Of The Most Cringeworthy Memes Made By Fandom Fanatics
Almost everyone has been a part of a fandom at some point. We're only human, after all. And they take up a good portion of social media already, so they're pretty much inevitable. Some fandoms are pretty normal. Others are full of people who are far too devoted to their media of choice. So devoted, in fact, that it's deeply concerning, and when we stumble upon their posts, we feel uncomfortable and a little worried.
These people also happen to be fans of memes just like the rest of us. But unlike most, they don't seem to know where to stop when it comes to making memes about their favorite characters. Because of this, some of the most devoted fans create some of the most cringeworthy content that has ever existed. Here's just a small sample of some fandom memes gone wrong.
Not Another One, Please
(Source: Reddit)
PewDiePie fans make a lot of memes. They pretty much all look like this one.
Even If It's Satire, This Shouldn't Exist
(Source: Reddit)
I don't know if this was made just to mock people who actually like this stuff, but frankly, I don't care. There's no excuse.
Nice One
(Source: Reddit)
If you can't tell already, the Harry Potter fandom is notorious for some pretty cringeworthy memes.