Welcome to the incredibly dark world of /r/distressingmemes, where you'll probably cry more than laugh. The internet is filled with many types of content, which can also be incredibly worrying. If you have an irrational fear of the unknown, you won't be a big fan of this subreddit. This subreddit is a testament to all things unsettling on the internet, whether it's a real-life horror story or a creepypasta, you can always find a meme that makes light of the situation.

This collection has an array of memes that challenge the conventional meme format, usually terrifying you more than it makes you laugh. There are lots of incredibly creepy things on the internet, from cursed images to unsettling videos and even incredibly grim websites. Most normal people tend to stray away from these types of things, but sometimes curiosity takes the best of you, which leads you to rabbit holes that you probably shouldn't have gotten yourself into in hindsight. These memes might not be full of inappropriate content, but they are pretty unsettling anyway.

The Most Horrifying Realization

(Source: Reddit)

Good Luck

(Source: Reddit)

Walking Dead IRL

(Source: Reddit)

What Did I Miss?

(Source: Reddit)

Hopefully, The Ghosts Can Swim

(Source: Reddit)

The Circus Follows You Home

(Source: Reddit)

Where Is Everybody?

(Source: Reddit)

He Was Cooked Alive

(Source: Reddit)

What If Earth Was Purgatory All Along?

(Source: Reddit)

Oh No…

(Source: Reddit)

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