Kids just aren't the brightest. It's just a universal law. They're not smart and their brains aren't quite capable of processing the information we want them to. They'll do ridiculously dumb things, even though we can't quite wrap our minds around why they would ever do them. Every parent sees it happen almost constantly, and all of us can admit we've been really dumb as children, too. But when the kids are so dumb they're unforgettable, we can't help but talk about their mistakes forever.

This is what happened to the kids in the following stories and images, who did some things so unintelligent they'll never live them down. Their online reputations will forever hinge on these stories. Some of them admitted to these things now that they're grown up, and others were exposed by confused parents, teachers and more. Take a look at some of the funniest dumb kids shared with the online community this month.


(Source: Reddit)

Well? Do You?

(Source: Reddit)

I have the utmost respect for teachers patient enough to teach young children through Zoom. If the kids act like this, it must take a lot out of you.

End of Story

(Source: Reddit)

Why Would You Have a Second One?

(Source: Reddit)

This is a great reason to not have kids. You'd think they'd stop after the first one, but for some reason, they're going through it all again.

Part of the Experience

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Great Friendship

(Source: Reddit))

This Redditor has found a true friend, one who will regularly lie to your classmates about you for amusement. But not in a particularly cruel way, just a weird one.


(Source: Reddit)

Life Is Too Short

(Source: Reddit)

Not Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

This is why we love Twitter. No one needed to hear this, and yet here we are.

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