You're down in the basement, fighting the big boss. You hear the key turn in the lock upstairs, meaning that your Dad has just come home from work. Moments later, you hear a knock on the door, and you hope he's not going to lay some BS on you, try and make you stop gaming and come upstairs for dinner, exercise, or something else dumb like that. The door comes open, and you smell his brand of cigarettes and hear his voice. "Are ya winning son?" he asks, in his gruff but friendly voice. "Yes, dad," you tell him, and suddenly all is good in the world.

He accepts you. He appreciates you as a gamer. He's glad you're having fun and using your time in a way that's nourishing to you. Dad thinks you're a winner, and it doesn't matter whether what you're really doing is making memes or shitposting. He wants you to be happy, and he's glad that your screens make you happy. You hear his steps going back up the stairs, and you play on, secure in the knowledge that you are loved and safe.


Gregor Samsa was not winning, but Franz Kafka would 100% have been a gamer.

Role Reversal

Sometimes moms love to game too. That should be appreciated.

Meme Fusion

The conjoining of these two meme formats represents a paradigm shift in the development and aesthetics of line-drawing memes. In this essay, I will demonstrate…



Sometimes, it is hard to explain to people of an older generation exactly what goes on when you're playing a game or posting online.

A Hard Choice


He Was Never There

This one was an emotional rollercoaster. The moment depicted here isn't special just to the son, but to the father as well. We all want a son who wins.

Happy Ending

A True Dad Pun

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Are Ya Winning, Son?


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