10 Silly Minion Memes That'll Have You LOLing XD
Ever since the release of Despicable Me in 2010, a new genre of online humor has been spreading across the internet. Our new yellow friends became the peak form of online fun, and their jokes kept getting better and better, even over a decade later! As time goes on, it's become more and more clear that minions are the silliest guys out there. They do goofy faces, give the perfect dance-style reactions to everything, make funny fart sounds, and randomly shout "Banana!" to make us laugh. Because of this, they make amazing memes. We love minion memes just as much as the rest of you, so we've compiled some of our favorites to make your day a little more fun. These are the best minion memes that will get you ROFLing!
(Source: Reddit)
Next time a mosquito bites you, you should take it as a compliment! This happy minion certainly did.
Never Forget Our Motto!
(Source: Reddit)
When life brings you down, don't forget to "Live, Laugh, Love," because with this motto, we can get through anything!
It Never Works
(Source: Reddit)
We're all so forgetful! Thanks to this minion, we can know we're not alone!
He Should Have Known Better
(Source: Reddit)
This person's boss gave them a free day off! I'm jealous. Maybe next year, Don will give me a free day off for April Fools' Day so I don't make another article like this.
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