Everybody has somebody in their life who puns. It may be a parent, a friend, or a former teacher. It is quite likely that these puns were foisted on you, that you did not ask for them, and that they just happened to your ears the way raindrops can happen to your head overall. You may have laughed, or maybe you didn’t. Puns are so eternally wonderful because they mark the places where language sends up a 404 error, when things don’t quite add up and wires are crossed.

These punny memes paired with stock photos come right from Twitter ’s soft and lovely kitten-like underbelly, from @PunHub, the best source of very literal and weird pun humor. The images and the words are here to make you laugh, or awkwardly pretend to laugh, at least.


(Source: Twitter)

Many of these memes involve authority figures and everyday people interacting. Perhaps that's because the stock photos often feature people in professions.

Needing An Intervention

(Source: Twitter)

This one may feel like a call-out. If this is you, know that you are loved and that your addiction does not define you.

Cream Cheese Is Too Fungible

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)

Baby Baby

(Source: Twitter)

Baby Baby Baby

(Source: Twitter)

This epic trilogy was an emotional journey. We laughed, we cried, but most of all we smirked.

Too Many

(Source: Twitter)

A Misunderstanding

(Source: Twitter)

This could've happened to anybody. It's unfortunate, but clear communication is always difficult.

A Scary Situation

(Source: Twitter)

Good To Know

(Source: Twitter)

This product to help wasps is over in the other aisle, sir.

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