Sometimes, people can be the absolute worst. If you, like most of us, strive to be a decent human being, you probably don't understand why people can be so awful, and that's a good thing. Hopefully, the following videos and images will confuse you, because that's a sign that you're not a horrible human being. It costs zero dollars to not terrorize everyone around you, but these people just weren't into it. And somewhere out there, they're still walking free, because these things weren't technically major crimes, and we just have to live alongside them as if we haven't seen them commit petty thefts or knock a random stranger to the ground as they were walking by.

These people are some of the worst the world has to offer, not only because they've done something particularly terrible, but because they did something selfish and ignorant without the slightest hesitation, often well aware that they were on video. Here are some of the most awful people out there doing awful things, thanks to the subreddit /r/PeopleBeingJerks.

Cool Guy

(Source: Reddit)

Blocking a Train

(Source: Reddit)

Harassing Family and Friends after Overgifting Money

(Source: Reddit)

Karen Doxxes an Employee

(Source: Reddit)

Why? Why Would You Do This?

(Source: Reddit)

The Tree Doesn't Deserve That

(Source: Reddit)

Respecting Nature

(Source: Reddit)

Nice Parking Skills

(Source: Reddit)

Using Loaves of Bread as an Armrest in the Checkout Line

(Source: Reddit)

In case you were wondering, yes, the bread was completely smashed afterwards.

Spray Painting a Polar Bear in Russia

(Source: Reddit)

How do you do this without getting eaten, anyway?

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