10 Of The Worst Thanksgiving Song Parodies To Make You Cringe
Something about Thanksgiving makes people post the cringiest content of the year. Earlier this week, a very gross shirt mixing sex and turkey became a new meme online, and in years past, we've seen Nicole Westbrook's awful tribute to Thanksgiving and the Twerky.
But real Twitter heads know the chief place to get cringe content online is the Twitter feed of @LydiaBurrell. Earlier this year, Burrell became a staff favorite after compiling a thread of the most bewildering coronavirus-themed musical parodies on the internet, but before his masterpiece of corona-cringe, he had a similar thread of awful Thanksgiving parodies.
Posted in 2017, the thread features awful remixes of yesteryear hits like "Despacito" and "Uptown Funk." Take a seat with some mashed potatoes and watch some videos you will surely hate-o.
Nae Nae
Uptown Funk
Mashed. Po. Tatoes.
Talk Turkey To Me
The Holdernesses Again
I Feel You Grandpa
This Man Is Unwell
Of Course There's A Fresh Prince Rap
Here They Have Sex With Turkey
The Last Thing You See Before Getting Cannibalized
Happy holidays everyone! Stay safe and don't cringe too hard.