Advice animals aren't particularly current memes, but they're still popular online. And it's easy to see why: even though modern formats go out of style, these templates are able to brush off the dust and still make it simple to express our modern frustrations through such a basic meme. As time goes on, our nostalgia for the older, more pleasant days of the internet grows stronger, and we're back to loving these memes all over again just because we miss the simpler times before things got too weird online. Let's take a look at some popular advice animals from recent history using some ancient templates.

Sounds Like A Great Life

Confession Bear is an advice animal image macro series featuring a photo of a Malayan sun bear leaning against a log. The images are captioned with confessions about taboo behaviors and controversial opinions that are often kept secret for fear of being ostracized.

This Is So Rare

(Source: Reddit)

Success Kid, sometimes known as "I hate sandcastles," is a reaction image of a baby at a beach with a smug facial expression. It has been used in image macros to designate either success or frustration. In early 2011, the original image was turned into an advice animal-style image macro with captions describing a situation that goes better than expected.

If the Point's at the End, It's Too Long

(Source: Reddit)

Angry Advice Mallard is an advice animal image macro of a mallard with dark feathers and angry-looking eyes. The image includes accompanying text that aligns with the angry character of the mallard.

Pretty Smart Honestly

(Source: Reddit)

Here Comes Monkey Pox

(Source: Reddit)

That would be great is an image macro series featuring the character Bill Lumbergh from the 1999 comedy film Office Space. The captions typically mimic the character's non-confrontational speech with various requests ending with the expression "That'd be great."

Were They Always Like This?

(Source: Reddit)

Scumbag Brain

(Source: Reddit)

What Working Retail Is Like

(Source: Reddit)

The Ads Never End

(Source: Reddit)

It's Nice When It Rains, Though

(Source: Reddit)

Bad Luck Brian is an advice animal-style image macro series featuring a photo of a blonde teenage boy wearing a plaid sweater vest and braces, accompanied by captions that describe a variety of embarrassing and tragic occurrences.

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Related Entries 8 total

Angry Advice Mallard
The Internet
That Would Be Great
Confession Bear
Bad Luck Brian
Advice Animals
Success Kid / I Hate Sandcastles


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