If you ever wanted to see images of humans being the best versions of themselves, you're in luck because the subreddit /r/trashy apparently has them all. These people are some absolute gems. We're so thankful to have them as part of our society, always making things better for the rest of us. Maybe they're taking both their shoes and socks off on the plane, or maybe they're throwing trash in places it doesn't belong, but they're all doing something memorable that we really hope to never see someone doing in real life.

Trashy people live among us, and they're selfish, entitled and they just don't care. Even though being around one of these people would be actual torture, luckily for us, you can witness it through this article rather than in real life. Below we've collected some of the very best photos that Reddit users have submitted that demonstrate just how trashy strangers can be.

Found in the Walmart Bathroom

(Source: Reddit)

Real Classy

(Source: Reddit)

Bold Choice For A Permanent Tattoo

(Source: Reddit)

Come On, It's Literally Right There

(Source: Reddit)

Chuck and Chelsie….why not stick with alliteration?!

(Source: Reddit)

Incoming: bare feet content

(Source: Reddit)

Hope you didn't pay for a horror film, because you're already getting one

(Source: Reddit)

The pilots would crash if they witnessed this

(Source: Reddit)

It definitely offends our President

(Source: Reddit)

For the amount of time it takes to put a piece of their furniture together, you should be allowed to take a nap at IKEA

(Source: Reddit)

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Goddamn that was painful.



I see that Know Your Meme is also jumping on the "stealing content from Reddit" train.



Why did you have to make this post
