A multi-level marketing scheme, also known simply as an MLM, is basically a fancier way of saying "pyramid scheme." Unfortunately, many people fall for these out of a desire to earn more money, but ultimately they wind up losing it or simply working way too hard to justify the low commissions they received, since the vast majority of the profit goes to those working above them.

However, some people who start working in pyramid schemes are a little too eager and unaware of what's to come. They don't seem to understand that they're being scammed, and they'd rather brag about their entrepreneurship all over social media, making the rest of us cringe. These are some of the sad yet hilarious things they've posted while trying to recruit others to join in on their MLM endeavor. Unsurprisingly, these didn't work very well.


(Source: Reddit)

Dumpster Diving for Herbalife

(Source: Reddit)

Herbalife is one of the most well-known MLMs. It's also one of the most disliked, especially due to social media stunts like this one.

It Only Costs Your Dignity

(Source: Reddit)

A small price to pay for Monat.

Another One of These

(Source: Reddit)

Recruiting on Tinder

(Source: Reddit)

At least this Tinder user was honest about what they were looking for. That's a rare find nowadays.

Plexus Vitamins

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, that happened. Out of everything on this list, this post has to be the saddest.

Advice from a MLM "CEO"

(Source: Reddit)

Certified Shampoo Dealer

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, I Don't Think So

(Source: Reddit)

If anything is actually fake news, it's this. I have no idea who made up these statistics, but at least make them believable next time.

"Cleanse for Life" Sounds Like an Easy Way to Die

(Source: Reddit)

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Fake News
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Pyramid Scheme YORge


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