
10 Country Music Memes You Definitely Need


Published May 06, 2022

Three cords and the truth. Cowboy hats. Whisky. Barbed wire fences. Redneck, white trash, blue collar. Skies full of stars. Cold beer, eight-point bucks, mommas who did their best, fancy boots. Trucks bopping down along potholed roads in a part of America that voted red and goes to church on Sunday. Grits, fried chicken, emblematic trees like dogwood, pine, and peach. Whisky. Dancing at a honky-tonk. Crickets singing through the night. We all know that Country Girls Make Do, and we love freedom. Revisit these classic themes, whether you’re a fan of the genre or not, with these ten country music memes gathered from one of Reddit’s premier Country Music fan communities /r/CountryMusicStuff. Country is all about feeling, sitting down and singing the worries and joys of life.

Big Questions

(Source: Reddit)

We All Do It To Ourselves

(Source: Reddit)

This is what being a country fan really means. Most heartbreaking genre there is.

Romantic Evenin

(Source: Reddit)

Red Arizona

(Source: Reddit)

Johnny And The Devil

(Source: Reddit)

Devil had no idea what was coming for him.

The True Difference

(Source: Reddit)

Agreed, the strong dog is the old school stuff and not that arena crap.

Folsom Prison Memes

(Source: Reddit)

How It Be

(Source: Reddit)

How It Also Be

(Source: Reddit)

Country music is about singing the facts and only the facts.

Real Values

(Source: Reddit)

This meme probably sums up the genre better than any other.

Tags: country music, meme, reddit, funny, country, yeehaw, memes, /r/countrymusicstuff, collections,
