
10 'Corn Song' TikToks, Both Great And Cringeworthy


Published 2 years ago

Corn Kid has brought some unexpected wholesomeness into all of our lives with his interview about his love of corn. The video is pretty entertaining, with the young boy explaining how much he loves corn and why with some very genuine enthusiasm. It was the positive and fun meme we all needed. And on TikTok, it's been remixed into a popular song known only as the "Corn Song."

Now, the thing about the Corn Song is it was never going to be as good as the delightfully fun video of the Corn Kid. In fact, to some people, it's kind of annoying. But many people are loving the wholesome attitude Corn Kid's song is sharing with everyone else, and it can be fun to watch people's new takes on the popular sound. Where do you stand? Take a look at these TikToks and find out.

Corn Doesn’t Exist

Why Do You Have This Costume? Throw That Away

This Is Admittedly Very Cute

The Lifestyle of a TikToker Really Confuses Me

At least she's having fun.

The Legend Himself

The original Corn Kid is so much funnier than any remixes.

He Seems Even More Passionate About Corn Somehow

He seems to have some very strong feelings about corn here.

The Only TikTok Influencer That Matters

I Hope They’re At Least Paying Him To Do This, But He’s an Intern, So…

It’s Korn

This Is Not What I’d Want to Hear First Thing in the Morning

If my phone started playing this when I woke up I'd throw it against the wall. But then again, that's just me.

Tags: corn kid, corn kid meme, memes, corn kid memes, tiktok, corn song, corn song tiktok, popular, trending, collections,
