If you've ever heard the phrase "beggars can't be choosers," you're about to think differently. Apparently, lots of beggars are choosers. It's true that they shouldn't be choosers, but for some reason, there are a lot of people out there who feel entitled to having all of their unreasonable demands met. These demands include just about anything from a free horse to making a sperm donor pay child support.

Hopefully, you're nothing like these people. If you are, perhaps you can learn a thing or two from this collection, because the world doesn't revolve around you, and other people deserve to be treated well and compensated for the hundreds of hours of worth of work you want to trap them in with no guarantee of any return. Seriously, some of these requests are very absurd. Here are some of our favorites.


(Source: Reddit)

Do all of her shopping for her, but only buy designer brands.

Sperm Donor and Child Support

(Source: Reddit)

Isn't it a better idea to offer to pay the sperm donor, not the other way around? What kind of person would agree to this?

You Pay $500 a Month to Be a Butler

(Source: Reddit)

Free Horse Please

(Source: Reddit)

Just what everyone needs: a free horse. It's an essential item, I swear. That's why this person needs it for free, and it has to be in good shape.

That's Equal to $130 a Month

(Source: Reddit)

He Needs the Nintendo Switch, but Maybe Clothes for the Kids Too

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe clothes for the kids should come first?

Darlington Is Three Hours from Where the Listing Is Posted

(Source: Reddit)

A Literal Beggar

(Source: Reddit)

Then Do It Yourself

(Source: Reddit)

It's Almost Guaranteed to Be Worth It

(Source: Reddit)

Months of work for literally no guaranteed pay? Great idea!

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