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The Meme Hunt Recap

The Meme Hunt Recap


Published April 02, 2019

We can all breathe a sigh of relief, as all 10 memes that were scattered across the site have been safely returned to the Hall of Memes. Over the last 24 hours, the Know Your Meme community worked tirelessly to collect these classic memes from the last two decades, using nothing but a set of cryptic clues to guide them.

Over the course of the day, a total of 308 Know Your Meme users participated in the hunt. All who found at least one of the missing memes will be given the Meme Catcher badge. The 163 users who found all 10 of the missing memes will be awarded the Meme Gatherer badge.

The first user to find all 10 missing memes was Orange Circle, who managed to solve all the clues within just hours of the announcement. In recognition of this great service, Orange Circle has been awarded the Meme Hunter Champion badge. Our moderator Samekichi Kiseki was in second place and Jellopy came in third.

Pepe the Frog appears to have been the easiest meme to find, with 280 of the participants discovering it in the It Is Wednesday My Dudes entry. Nyan Cat was found the least, with only 184 eagle-eyed users locating its position in Robot Unicorn Attack.

Thank you all for participating in Know Your Meme's very first Meme Hunt! There may be more of these in the future, so stay tuned.


Distracted Boyfriend

At least they weren’t married.

Location: Internet Husband


Make it so.

Location: The Picard Song

Pepe the Frog

The middle of the week.

Location: It Is Wednesday My Dudes


Kabosu receives guidance from a fellow canine.

Location: Advice Dog


Like Rick Astley, but very short.

Location: You've Been Gnomed

All Your Base

CATS becomes a wrestling champion.

Location: A Winner Is You

Nyan Cat

Open your eyes and see Nyan Cat in the open.

Location: Robot Unicorn Attack


What's lost can be found with another widely mocked webcomic.

Location: My Bike Got Stolen Recently

Rage Comics

The faces of the internet used to have personality, now they’re just Unicode.

Location: Emoji

Expanding Brain

Prepare for some mental fireworks.

Location: Mind = Blown

Tags: april fools day, april fools, 2019, meme hunt,
