As 2012 draws to a close, we would like to take some time to thank our users for their hard work over the year. From editing entries to uploading media, everything you do at Know Your Meme is appreciated and makes our database more and more comprehensive. In addition to Olivia Gulin‘s original badges from last year's Thanks Awards, we’ve added several new specialist awards to honor those who have made significant research contributions to emerging subcultures and hub sites. Bummed out you didn't get an award for you research? Shh, there is no need to be upset. You're just as special and we're equally thankful for everyone who participated in meme research and discussions. The new badges were designed by Jill Denkmann.

Japanese Specialist

Videos Images Editorships

About: I came here to mostly support Know Your Meme in researching Japanese Internet memes.

Portuguese Specialist

Videos Images Editorships

No profile information is available for this user. Marson, if you're reading this, feel free to contact the staff and introduce yourself!

Art Historian

Videos Images Editorships

About: Hi, I’m Doctor Horse, but you may know me as the silent/insane/omgthat’salottapics image dumper poster on KYM. I live in Brazil, like ponu art (lot’s of it), video games and the internet culture in general. Just want to say that searching pics has become like my job for this site, and I love when people appreciate my posts.
As of December 21st, 2012, Dr. Gregory Horse has uploaded 7.3% of all of the images on KYM.

Historical Meme Historian

Videos Images Editorships

About: I listen to music. A lot of music.
I do chemistry. Slightly less frequently than I listen to music.
I slack on KYM. When I’m not doing chemistry.

Television Meme Historian

Videos Images Editorships

About: I like Osaka and Trixie. And Vriska.
That’s pretty much all there is to me.

Anime Anthropologist

Videos Images Editorships

About: Silver Chariot, reporting for duty. What can I say about me? I’m weird, weird in a good way.
My biggest problem could be that I’m a fan of almost unknown or non-mainstream stuff, like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. But I’m also a gamer!

Rage Comicologist

Videos Images Editorships

About: Hi. I like narwhals.

Pokémon Master

Videos Images Editorships

About: Hey, I’m Verbose (in name and in correspondence.) I’m not really “from the Internet,” but the Internet has been a lot of fun. I like ponus, pokémon, anime, chiptunes, pones, apples, video game music, interesting conversation, poneis, funny image macros, and Twilight Sparkle. I may also be a deer.


Videos Images Editorships

About: When I first stumbled upon this site, I never expected that I would put so much effort into it later. Look where that thought brought me.

Homestuck Authority

Videos Images Editorships

About: I still love salmon!

YouTube Poop Scatologist

Videos Images Editorships

About: I’m an adolescent italian, who lives in Switzerland and loves Anime, My Little Pony, YouTube Poop (Music Video), MAD, House Music and I have a YouTube channel!

YouTuber Anthropologist

Videos Images Editorships

About: One of those mods that everyone thinks is a furry.


Videos Images Editorships

About: Thank You Based God.


Videos Images Editorships

About: I actually hate memes.

Twitter Expert

Videos Images Editorships

About: I am a cartoonist, both online and in print, a writer, and a video artist. I am a Christian who’s passionately in love with my savior. I am an amateur internet culture analyst who would love to be more than an amateur. And I am happy to help you in any way I can; just feel free to ask.

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Comments 32 total


I find it interesting how many people are fastening on to the Portuguese/Brazilian thing. I've said something similar about the English language and the United States before, but I'll throw in meus dois centavos on the issue here for the heck of it: Yes, the Portuguese language originated in Portugal, but there are roughly 17 times as many native speakers of Portuguese in Brazil than there are in Portugal, making Brazil a more than reasonable candidate for the main country of the language. Also, I don't doubt that well over 90% of Portuguese-language memes originate from South America.

Now, as to whether a Jr. Editor with two editorships deserves an award, that's a different question which I'll refrain from addressing.


Gabenus Trollucus

My congratulations to those that won a award, except for a certain person that starts with a "S" and a "B".



What? I can't fap to this!



I got an entry out of deadpool, why didn't I get an award?


''half-moon'' bubba

>portuguese expert badge has brazilian flag
>user title is portugese specialist


Butterly Useless

I would like to thank Trollkeeper for being our Dojackshitologist



Crimson Locks

You guys are all so awesome and I love you all! <3


Lone K. (Echoid)

I need to work.
Going back to YouTube to look at any fads.

Congrats on the awards, guys! :D You really deserve them (I am being serious, I'm not joking).


Maiden Heaven

If you can find one worse than Drew Pickles, I'm all for it.
