You may have noticed something weird going on here at Know Your Meme. Advice Animals and Feels Good Man on the front page? Aren't those memes well-documented?

Yes and no. Over these last 10 years, some of our most popular, cited and important entries have collected a lot of digital dust. We aim to change that.

So this year, we plan on cleaning, updating and front-paging roughly 1,200 legacy entries, none of which have been on the front-page before.

This project also needs your help. As always, if you have information to contribute to a meme or entry, please share it with the team, so we can ensure that these internet artifacts are as comprehensive as possible. You can reach us via DM or the suggestion submission field. Not only do we need your meme knowledge, our site depends on it.

Many of these entries haven't been touched since the site launched, yet some have collected millions of views. It's our job as the internet's largest and most complete meme and internet phenomena database to make sure that the information in those entries is easy-to-read, comprehensive and up-to-date. Use this as an opportunity to fill in some gaps in your meme history or simply ignore the memes that are not relevant to you. But keep in mind, these memes account for some of the Internet's most legendary, important and influential trends. And as the internet's premier custodians, it's our job to keep them clean.

Let the 2021 Database Restoration begin!*

*It began two weeks ago, but it's a lot more exciting to end this post like that.

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Know Your Meme

Comments 10 total


Can't wait to see a fanart of a fat anthro girl version of "Socially Awkward Penguin" trending.


Raul Satisacro

What about the images with no tags or titles? I edited some of them because I stumbled upon them, but there must be thousands of those on the site.



No plans to clean these up just yet. As of now, we're updating images as we see 'em.


winton overwat

Any plans to stop attaching images to entries and using tags instead? Because a lot of images fit in several entries at a time



This is a problem we've been looking into solving for a while, but it just hasn't materialized yet. The fix is not what you're describing, but tagging images to multiple entries is definitely on the list.



Understandable, have a good rewrite



As long as it's not more Wojaks.


winton overwat

We're going back to the classics and making Rage Comics again



Like fashion or technology, meme-ing is cyclical
