Greetings, sheeple of Know Your Meme. It is I, The Diddler.

For too long, you have been pathetic sacks of meat groveling at the feet of your precious so-called “meme daddy,” Don Caldwell. But I think a new era is in order, don’t you? One washed clean of the sins of the meme father. That’s why I’ve kidnapped your beloved Don and trapped him in the most devious prison I could imagine: Vimeo.

Oh, I’m simply vibrating with titillation, aren’t you? Imagine our beautiful future together: Spam entries are front-paged. Confirmed entries are deadpooled. Only TikTok dances are allowed to be submitted. We get you all to buy into our NFT project and then pull the rug out from under you and run away to Cryptoland with all the money. And you’ll lap it all up just like you’ve lapped up years of servitude under the beloved “Don.”

However, I am not a monster. I understand some of you might be resistant to life without Don. That’s why I’m suggesting we play a little game. Throughout the site, I have hidden ten riddles for you to solve. One riddle will lead you to an entry on Know Your Meme, where you’ll find a second riddle, which will lead you to a third, and so on.

To save Don, you must solve all ten riddles. The passcode to save Don is the first letter of each solution in order. So, for example, if the solution to the first riddle was “All Your Base Are Belong To Us” (and it’s not, dum-dums), the first letter in the passcode would be “a.”

Understood? Well, frankly I don’t care if you understand or not, because your 24 hours to save Don starts now. And hey, maybe if you’re among the first fifty people to win my little game, you can get a little reward (on top of saving the life of the most heinous man in memes).

Here’s your first riddle. Happy hunting.

Two men shared their mother’s womb
Grabbed fame while idling in their pool
Moreso for their hair and dress
Their dulcet tones did not impress

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Comments 113 total


All badges have been handed out!



Huh, so you forgave us for failing 9+10? Based meme daddy!


Nox Lucis

Sounds like the final stumbling block has made that an unclear matter.



This is too difficult.



My take on the difficulty for each riddle:
1. Hard, having no idea who they are.
2. Straightforward, you will probably laugh after figuring it out.
3. Confusing, if you don't get forced memes.
4. Easy, if you know old memes.
5. Normal, the Queen of England helps a lot.
6. Tricky, don't trust that hyperlink.
7. Upsetting, spent a lot of this on this one.
8. Weak, this was so free.
9. Clear, anime helps with this one.
10. WTF, why?



Well, I failed to solve it before things wrapped up. I got up to 7, but I needed lots of help. So, thanks to everyone who helped out those (such as me) who stink at riddles and got constantly stuck.



Ok here's the full list of clues and their solutions:

Clue 1:
"Here’s your first riddle. Happy hunting."
Two men shared their mother’s womb
Grabbed fame while idling in their pool
Moreso for their hair and dress
Their dulcet tones did not impress
"I'm An Island Boy" By Flyysoulja And Kodiyakredd

Clue 2:
"Good. You've made it this far. Here's #2:"
A child whispers into the night
A mantra inspiring uncanny fright
What possessed this child of the vine
To compare their scent to the humble bovine?
I Smell Like Beef

Clue 3:
"Mmm, two down. Quite a ways to go, though. Number 3:"
A boy perpetually stuck in fourth grade
Became the topic of much debate
The two sides reached a queer détente:
His ‘notness’ is, but he is not
Milhouse Is Not A Meme

Clue 4:
"Oh, look at you. Think you're smart, do you? Here's 4:"
The tallest man to ever be memed
Had his tenure cut short due to the state of his knees.
Thanks to online artists and editors,
His face thrived among dismissive Redditors.
Yao Ming Face / Bitch Please

Clue 5:
"Fine, that was a gimme. It gets harder from here, though. 5:"
A term mostly used for cats and dogs
First was used by a man in awe
One wonders if Elizabeth shared his surprise
At the hotelier of incredible size
Absolute Unit



Clue 6:
"Halfway through! Better hurry up, I hear Don getting weaker by the moment. 6:"
If there’s one thing the internet loves the best
It’s increasingly nonsensical names for a chest
That’s why a TV exec’s new pitch could prove
To rake in money from gullible weeaboos
New Anime Plot

Clue 7:
"A humungous victory on your part. It's adorable how hard you're trying. 7:"
1,1, 2, 3 mixed up in a song
At 1:43 doesn’t go very long
The lesser known d-o-double-gee
Likes well-behaved cats and powerful trees
You Reposted in the Wrong Neighborhood

Clue 8:
"Don's waiting on bated breath. Don't let him down. 8"
Once one of three, monster 134
Is known online for so much more
When a man detailed with great specificity
What gave it perfect human compatibility



Clue 9:
"Pretty gross that you knew this, tbh. 9:"
A children’s card oft-played on TV
Could conceivably be played infinitely
If you don’t know by now what it does in the game
Don’t worry; the characters will always explain.
Pot of Greed

Clue 10:
"Well, here we are. My final puzzle. Luckily it's my hardest one yet. 10:"
A twisted reflection of the beloved amphibian.
10 letters too early to feel good man,
A character who baffled meme historians,
What's the name of the forced scorpion?

"Blast it all, you've solved all of my riddles. But we had fun, didn't we? You now have all the letters in the password to free Don. Enjoy him… while you can."

Password was the first letter of every entry if you wana see the video.


Fred Flintstone

Bruh, I could’ve gotten all of those except the first one. Ffs



And with that, it's a wrap. However, some of y'all clearly didn't know your meme right at the end, and we're figuring out what to do about that



I'm stuck on 5. How much time is left?



Sorry I didn't PM you in time I was busy.



I finally finished the damn thing. It was fun but it really tested my knowledge. If anyone else wants hints PM me.


Nox Lucis

Alright, I was able to do only 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 with hints, but I've got it finally.
