All of us have the calculator app on our phones and computers, but only some people can actually pull off brilliant math right off the cuff. The 15 people pulled from the subreddit /r/TheyDidTheMath prove that there are actual geniuses out there who find pure joy in calculating things for others. If only we could assign them to sort out this Iowa Caucus drama.
Even After Knowing Jesus Personally?
(Source: Reddit)
Username Checks Out
(Source: Reddit)
Will Hunting I Love Your Work!
(Source: Reddit)
My Brain Died Reading This
(Source: Reddit)
Out Of All Of The Things To Compare It To
(Source: Reddit)
Show Me The Spreadsheets
(Source: Reddit)
We Could Tell You Spent Some Time On That Spreadsheet
(Source: Reddit)
Math Nobody Needed
(Source: Reddit)
Interesting Way Of Looking At Things
(Source: Reddit)
We Need Some Answers, Disney!
(Source: Reddit)
What The Hell Is Going On Here?
(Source: Reddit)
Actually, I Understand What Happened Now
(Source: Reddit)
This Belongs in Textbooks
(Source: Reddit)